Test- Paid Course

Do you often feel Sandwiched between Personal and Professional life

Are you binge Eating on stress every day? 

Have you forgotten your Dreams while managing the daily deadlines? 

Do you suffer from guilt trips of not spending Quality Time with Family

Do you feel Lost in the Maze of daily to-do, that your Passion and Dreams have taken backseat? 

Do the spine-chilling deadlines shriek so much ‘Urgency’ in your mind that your Personal life and passion go on mute? 

Are you living life on Auto-pilot?

If you nodded a ‘YES’ to any of these, IT IS TIME, to TAKE your time and take charge of your life.

How Productive Life Mastery will make a shift in your life?

  Zero overwhelm

Beat the overwhelm of rat-race by acing your time. Tick off your tasks as if you own it.


  Priority Management

Know when to say ‘NO’. It is time to shift from ‘worked up’ to ‘working smooth’.


  Skyrocket Your Dreams

Time to live the long pending bucket list while learning to MAKE TIME.


  Unleash Your Freedom

Unbox your free-time and tap into the freedom you were always hungry for.


  Recharge Your Personal Life

Work on your relations by gifting them the most precious part- your time.


The Art of Conscious Living

Explore the art of intentional living and master your mind, time and life.

A Sneak Peek of What Will Unfold in this 2 -Day Workshop!

👉🏾  It is time to break the shackles and get instant access to the life you always craved for.

👉🏾 Imagine a life where you are inhaling ease and exhaling the stress and deadlines become a cake walk.

👉🏾 Your time with family is no more threatened by the deadly deadline demon and you are at zenith of the blissful time.

👉🏾 Want to claim this reality and make your signature style of living?

Congratulations !!!  For picking up the  ABSOLUTELY RIGHT workshop, which will be your magic wand to 10X your life, dreams and productivity.

Here is the glimpse of what will you get 

Schedule of two-day Life Changing Workshop

Session 1- Razor Sharp Clarity

- A rendezvous with yourself. Unpack your world-class dreams and vision.

SESSION 2 - Game Changer Prep

- Install your ideal day design and take that first step for indomitable success.

SESSION 3 - The Grand Performance

- Sharpen your focus to next level and plan out the execution. Learn top secrets to decode priority, time and energy management.

SESSION 4 - The Grand Council

- The time-tested, life-altering secret ingredient which will rekindle the lost passion and will be your guiding light to action.

This Is Not It...There Is MORE

Bonus Bonanza...

Life Scorecard - Worth Rs. 3000/-

A Treasure Chest Brimmed With Tools And Techniques To Ensure You Be At The Driving Seat Of Your Life And Not The Passenger!

What more can you ask for!!!

All this is exclusively free-  Limited Time Offer- HURRY UP !!!

Arindam Mullick

Your Coach

✦Certified Professional Coach (CPC)
✦ Master Life Coach
✦ Master NLP Practitioner
✦ Certified Business Coach
✦ Corporate Wellness Coach
✦ Certified Career Coach
✦ Certified Career Analyst (CCA)

- Founder of Live Little More, Arindam has a decade full of experience in coaching and has made a difference in countless lives. 

- With a fiery vision of helping individuals navigating their lives while skyrocketing their dreams, Arindam has been that polestar which has guided them to reach their dream destinations in life.


Listen from Horse’s (previous attendees) mouth about what they experienced in the workshop

“I highly recommend Arindam’s coaching services. He is a transformational coach who is incredibly knowledgeable, helpful, and humble. He helped me to identify my goals, develop a plan to achieve them, and overcome the challenges that were standing in my way. I am now living a more fulfilling and successful life than ever before, thanks you.” .

- Sunil Bhutia

"I was feeling lost and directionless in my life when I started working with Arindam. He helped me to clarify my values and goals, and to develop a plan to achieve them. He is incredibly supportive and encouraging, and he always has my best interests at heart. I am so grateful for Arindam’s guidance and support. He has helped me to make transformative changes in my life."

Senthil Kumar


I have read all the books and done almost all courses on Time Management. 

How is this different?

3 reasons why:

1. This is a tailor-made workshop to cater people from different walks of life. Just like one paracetamol doesn’t kill all ailments, Arindam believes in individualising the solutions.

2. Self-discovery is one of the major ingredients here, where you will first understand yourself to understand time and life in better ways. A linear and quite sorted approach for managing time and life.

3. The workshop walks you through the secret ingredients which work like magic wand in managing time and excelling in life.

When is the best time to take up this workshop?

The best and right time, both are NOW. It is the only present which you can rely on and have control of. If you want to make a difference in life, you got to decide differently. Let this decision of picking up this workshop be the stepping stone of upcoming transformation

Will the recording be available?

Since it is an experiential, one-time, exclusive workshop, there would not be any recording. It is mandatory to attend live and avail maximum value.

How fast can I see the change in myself?

As fast and as efficient you are going to implement these tools and techniques. Remember- nothing changes, if nothing changes.

How can I enter the level up programs?

Congratulations for giving some space to self-development in your life, because it is said, that a war is half won if it is won in the mind.

Still Stuck?

Here is a quick ignition test for you to check how much this workshop can shift your mindset.

No other workshop will offer you the self-discovery test before unpacking time management techniques.

Arindam is a time-tested, well-trusted, and super qualified coach to do the hand-holding.

This workshop zooms deeper into priority paralysis and makes you work on your root causes. So it is not just the diagnosis, but also the holistic treatment.

It's Time to ......


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